The Gambia

During the 17/18 century, the Gambia was under colonial rule until in the early 90s. In 1456 the slave travel has started by the Portuguese until in 1651 when the British took over and abolished it in 1807. The boundaries between the two countries Senegal and Gambia was ratified in 1888 and Gambia become a British crown colony. The country was divided into two, the colony which is Banjul and its surrounding areas and the protectorate which is the rest of the country.

The republic of the Gambia today is one of the smallest countries in Africa and has an area of 11300 square kilometers surrounded by Senegal on all sides except the Atlantic Ocean. It’s divided into two by the famous river Gambia and has a population of 1.5 million people, eight main ethnic groups which includes Mandinkas, Fulas, Wolof’s, Sere, Sarahules, Jolas, Manjakos, and Akus etc. There are also 85 percentage Muslims, 10 percent Christians and 5 percent free believers. Being a British colony it has gained its independence in 18 February 1965 and became a republic 24 April 1970, with its first democratic chosen president.

President Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara who served for thirty years until 22of July 1994 when his government was toppled in a coup by some young soldiers. In July 1994 to 6 November 1996, the Gambia was under military rule and in 1996 the coup leader, President Yaya Jammeh organized democratic election where he worn and was elected as the president for the second republic. From 1994 the Gambia has transformed into a new country with lots of developments in all sectors and today it is called your heaven and smiling coast of Africa.